Once upon a Blog

Once upon a Blog
Hello...JoAnn Flammer here. I am trying something new with this interactive blog designed to read with/to your children. I'm going to be writing and rewriting my stories right here where you, my readers (and listeners), can see my first, second and even third drafts and help me tweak them into something worthy of publishing . As you share the stories with your children, please use the comment box below to give me your and your child's suggestions, ideas, and thoughts to keep me on my toes. I only ask that you be gentle...my writing is like a child to me. Well, here goes. I am looking forward to your responses.
By Jo Ann Flammer 02 Nov, 2018
Purpose of this blog is to have readers interact as I write stories for future publications.
By Jo Ann Flammer 25 Oct, 2018
Purpose of this blog is to have readers interact as I write stories for future publications.
By Jo Ann Flammer 18 Oct, 2018
Purpose of this blog is to have readers interact as I write stories for future publications.
By Jo Ann Flammer 12 Oct, 2018
Purpose of this blog is to have readers interact as I write stories for future publications.
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